Do you want to Make a difference in some one in need?

When you want to make a difference in

EACO – Volunteering is the solution and   very rewarding. You get to meet many different types of people and form solid relationships based on mutual respect, understanding, and caring. As a EACO volunteer you will:

  • Make a difference in people’s lives.
  • Develop a wide network.
  • Develop a range of skills and experience that can be used in everyday life.
  • Receive ongoing education and development.
  • Do your part in bringing about social change.

On a daily basis the students will travel to communities/Village where they will conduct in-home visits and observations. Here they will do interviewing of households on the health issues and struggles they have living in their villages and distance from a local hospital. They will participate in conversations and workshops; facilitate over  75 workshops during their time that will be held at local community centers, schools, and compounds.  Follow this link for more details:

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