A new WaterAid report reveals millions of others around the world already face these conditions daily and Uganda is among the countries where the highest percentage or largest number of people cannot get clean water within a half-hour round trip. The report, released to mark World Water Day on 22 March, also includes new data on the often-sizeable gap between rich and poor when it comes to access to water. Among the main findings, Uganda has the lowest access to clean water close to home and a new addition to the list this year Uganda is at 38% access. As the search for water takes them deep into the forest, their lives are threatened with danger on a daily basis. Women are frequently raped and beaten while children can be kidnapped, mutilated and sacrificed. An added challenge to these villages’ water supply is that the water from ponds is being shared with livestock. This causes water contamination and frequent cases of malaria, typhoid, bilharzia and diarrhea are reportedhttps://www.omprakash.org/blog/uganda-is-among-nations-with-lowest-access-to-clea
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